
Tage der Technik 2023 – Resource scarcity as a driver of innovation

Duration: July 2, 2023 – July 2, 2023

Location: Empa, Dübendorf

Participation of Alessandra Hool at “Tage der Technik 2023” on the topic

Strategic raw materials for “Switzerland of the future”

The demand for raw materials for modern technologies, especially for low-emission energy generation and storage, is growing rapidly. The EU has defined raw materials such as lithium or rare earth metals as “strategic” since a regulation proposed in March 2023; subjecting them to special security regulations in the future. The international race for raw materials can have an impact on research and development, as well as on industries that do not import raw materials in pure form, but semi-finished products or components. Particularly in the field of circular economy, Switzerland could create an active instrument for resource security that is also ecologically and socially sustainable.

Tage der Technik

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