
Massive Open Online Course SusCritMOOC

Duration: February 14, 2022 – August 14, 2022

Location: online

On 13th of October, our Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) with the name “Critical Raw Materials: Managing Resources for a Sustainable Future” launched officially on edX.

The course provides a systemic understanding of CRMs and equips you with tools and strategies for managing them in a sustainable way. The course covers the entire raw materials’ value chain, which help see what actions can be taken at every stage and how you can make informed decisions, and contribute to and benefit from a more sustainable approach to CRMs, regardless of your professional or academic background.

Key topics include access to raw materials, environmental and social impacts, geopolitical factors, market dynamics, economics, supply chains, global trends in CRM use, and resource efficiency.

You can choose from three different tracks that cover possible solutions from a technical, business or policy perspective. These range from supply risk mitigation, exploration, urban mining and substitution to circularity strategies, business models, responsible sourcing and certification.

This course also introduces you to experts, start-ups and projects in the field and inspires you to tackle problems with concrete initiatives.

You can register for the upcoming self-paced version of the course on edX.org.

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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