
IRTC Virtual Workshop

Duration: May 19, 2020

Location: Webex

Join our virtual workshop on “Identifying risks in industry supply chains” on May 19!

This workshop will introduce different perspectives on supply chain risks and how companies can address them. Plenary talks include experiences on advising companies on raw materials risks, perspectives of supplying and developing countries, and how governments and industries prepare for changing raw materials needs in view of the green transition. A special focus will be put on how a pandemic such as COVID-19 influences supply risks.

In the working groups, a decision-making for industries is developed and discussed, using example cases of Cobalt, REEs, and Rhenium. Active participation is welcome. The discussion will feed into the further work of IRTC-Business and participants are encouraged to use the ongoing dialogue in IRTC-Business as a networking opportunity and and a platform for further international exchange.

The workshop will take place on the 19 of May via Zoom.

IRTC-Business – the “International Round Table on Materials Criticality in Industry Practice” – continues and implements the work of IRTC, an international expert group on raw materials criticality. The project conducts Round Tables and publish their outcomes, with the goal to apply the concepts to company use.

More information: www.irtc.info

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