
We believe that the grand challenges of our times can only be adequately addressed if all stakeholders work aligned and with a common goal. Public–private partnership (PPP) are one way to accomplish this collaboration in an effective way. This is why the ESM Foundation is coordinating projects built on various public–private partnerships (PPPs).

UNECE Expert Group on Resource Management

The ESM Foundation is a member of the UNECE Expert Group for Resource Management and its Sustainable Development Goals Delivery Group. In cooperation with UNECE, we hold regular sessions on sustainable resource management in the framework of the UN Resource Management Week and other multilateral fora. 

Schweizerische Akademie der Technischen Wissenschaften

A technologized world requires specialists who have mastered the technology, as well as people who make informed decisions. The SATW is therefore committed to comprehensive technology education. The promotion of girls in technology is of particular concern to it.

We raise awareness of Swiss high school students for rare metals and the sustainable management of resources by using the board game «In the Loop» .

The ESM Foundation is additionally a part of the topical platform “Sustainable Circular Economy” led by the SATW.

EIT RawMaterials

As an Associate Partner actively involved in the Innovation Hub Central, the ESM Foundation has been coordinating various projects supported by EIT RawMaterials.

EIT RawMaterials is an entity initiated and funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union. EIT RawMaterials is the world’s largest consortium in the raw materials sector and has set boosting Europe’s competitiveness, growth and attractiveness within the field of raw materials as its mission.

iBat Association

The ESM Foundation is a member and part of the iBat network.

Due to their use in clean transportation, renewable energy technology, mobile medical equipment and advanced robotics, the importance of batteries is growing. The iBat association is a Swiss nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening Switzerland’s competitiveness in the field of battery applications and technologies by representing industry, authorities and research institutions.


ESM Foundation is on the Advisory Board of the Horizon Europe-funded FutuRaM (Future Availability of Secondary Raw Materials) project.

FutuRaM is a project aiming to analyze and secure the availability and recoverability of secondary raw materials within the EU up to 2050, with a particular emphasis on critical raw materials. The project will identify the amount of raw materials currently in use and in the waste stream, and model the potential for their recovery. To achieve these objectives, FutuRaM will establish a reporting structure, methodology, and guidance to further develop the current raw materials knowledge base and incorporate data on secondary raw materials and critical raw materials to model existing stocks and flows.

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