International Round Table on Materials Criticality

Initiated by ESM Foundation in 2017 with support of EIT RawMaterials, the International Round Table on Materials Criticality (IRTC) had the primary objective to establish a platform for the exchange of methods to assess the criticality of raw materials originating from diverse countries and perspectives and bring together the developers of prominent approaches for an exploration of the distinct features, goals, and scopes of methodologies that observe material criticality. Today, IRTC stands as the foremost global network and event series dedicated to raw material criticality and serves as a convergence point for interested stakeholders worldwide. It hosts an annual conference facilitating engagement with preeminent experts in criticality globally across academia, industry, and policy-making domains. Moreover, the IRTC initiative has developed ISO-certified training courses designed to impart knowledge to prospective raw material risk managers in criticality determination and mitigation.

Learn more about the project on the IRTC website

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