Swiss Batteries

Advancing the Circular Economy for Batteries in Switzerland

The ESM Foundation supports and contributes to a circular economy for electric vehicle (EV) batteries in Switzerland. We have held various workshops on the topic with academia, industry, and policy-making. We are a member of the iBat Association and are actively involved in the project CircuBAT, where we have helped develop and are engaged in subproject 07 on sustainable business models.

The CircuBAT Project

Duration: 2022 – 2026

The ESM Foundation is involved in the implementation of a circular, sustainable business model for batteries used in e-mobility. To this end, business models for the entire value chain are being developed in close cooperation with the partners from the technical sub-projects, and sustainability hotspots and points of leverage are being identified. This promotes mutual exchange between the various project partners. Looking at the value chain as a whole, it also aims to identify suitable, sustainable and economically advantageous business modules for implementing these innovations and assesses and evaluates them using empirically supported simulation models.

More information can be found on the CircuBAT Homepage.

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