Who we are

The “Entwicklungsfonds Seltene Metalle” (ESM Foundation), established in 1951, is a Swiss non-profit organization dedicated to supporting research and development activities in the field of Rare and Critical Elements, with an emphasis on their industrial applications.

In pursuit of this goal, the Foundation actively supports a spectrum of initiatives: from sponsoring and hosting conferences and workshops to publishing studies and surveys. Additionally, the foundation coordinates projects in the field of Rare and Critical Elements, and confers scholarships and educational grants in areas relevant to the Foundation’s topical focus. Furthermore, the ESM foundation acts as an information and exchange platform for industry, universities, politics and the interested public

ESM is a public interest foundation governed by Swiss Law. Its foundation status is subject to supervision by the Swiss Federal Department of the Interior. However, the foundation’s reach extends beyond national borders, as the ESM foundation engages with an international network of experts, partner institutes and organizations. 

On the occasion of its 70th anniversary, the Bureau of History has reappraised the early history of the ESM Foundation. The full document is available here:

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