Our Vision

The ESM Foundation is the leading Swiss network for questions about the responsible industrial use of critical resources that are essential for the transformation to a sustainable society.

Our vision encapsulates a comprehensive approach to handling critical resources in ways that promote responsible usage, foster innovation, and drive societal changes towards sustainability. The essence is to lead by example, integrate ethical considerations, and devise practical, impactful solutions for the future.

Critical Resources

Critical raw materials are not abundantly available and often subject to geopolitical conflict. They play a critical role in various technological and industrial applications, especially ones necessary for advancing sustainable practices. This underscores the importance of careful, efficient, and sustainable use.

Sustainable Society and Responsibility

Core to the foundation’s vision is the idea of responsibility, meaning a commitment to ethical practices and sustainability. Our goal is to contribute to a society that balances economic growth, environmental protection, and social well-being. This involves promoting practices such as battery recycling in an effort to move towards a circular economy.

Swiss Network

Emphasizing its Swiss origin, the ESM Foundation aims at raising awareness surrounding the sustainable use of resources and materials criticality in Switzerland. This is linked to a strong local presence and influence within the Swiss industrial, academic, and political sectors.

Industrial Use

Practical application in industry is in the foundation’s focus, reflecting that work should have tangible implications for businesses and manufacturing processes. This involves actively collaborating with industries.


We actively collaborate with partners in science and industry both domestically and internationally, for example through our IRTC conferences, harnessing a diverse array of expertise and resources. Through these partnerships, we are committed to advancing knowledge, fostering sustainable development, and creating impactful outcomes.

Leadership and Transformation

The ESM Foundation aims to take a pioneering role in addressing issues related to critical raw materials, with a commitment to innovation. Our forward-looking vision commits to supporting a transformation that involves adopting new practices and technologies that reduce environmental impact and promote sustainability.

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