IRTC is an international “Round Table” project on approaches towards assessing materials criticality, taking place in the form of workshops at international conferences. The results are consecutively published in the form of joint scientific papers and a Roadmap on Criticality for authorities. The project shall advance the research in criticality assessment, foster international exchange and education in the topic, identify common ground and differences, and raise awareness towards materials criticality, especially in industry. It shall also lay the cornerstone for a long-lasting international network of internationally leading experts. Awareness towards materials criticality, and its crucial role for a circular economy, shall be raised by creating visibility at established conference with a diverse audience and high impact in research and industry.

In-use stocks and secondary supply of Critical Raw Materials

The fourth Round Table will take place on July 7, 2019, at the 10th International Conference of the Society for Industrial Ecology in Bejing, China. The event aims at stimulating the discussion on in-use stocks and secondary supply of critical raw materials, and especially Rare Earth Elements, between researchers of different countries. Invited talks in the morning will set the scene on the role of secondary supply for criticality. It will furthermore be addressed how secondary supply can support global efforts towards a sustainable future, and how possible barriers can be overcome. While the first part of the morning covers these broad aspects, the second part will show concrete examples of research and industry efforts to analyse stocks and find new methods to reduce waste. At the Round Table discussion in the afternoon – with Consortium partners and invited guests – these aspects will be carved out in more detail. The outcomes of the session and the Round Table discussion will be summarized and published online to serve as a basis for further discussion. Simultaneous translation Chinese-English on site will help common understanding of the participants.

Click here to view the program of the fourth Round Table.